Interviewed on Podcast “Death Hangout”

Recently, I was interviewed by two wonderful men on “The Death Hangout.” This is a very creative podcast that interviews people about issues that surround death and dying. They told me they were reluctant to interview me at first because of the unusual nature of my topic – VSED (Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking).

Take 30 minutes and watch this interview. Because of their honesty and excellent questions, this turned out to be one of the best interviews that I’ve had. Clearly, the two men who interviewed me had a good time too!

I not only talk about the VSED experience with Alan. I talk about conscious dying, how Alan found peace and prepared to die. I talk about my own fear of death and where it came from and how I’ve overcome it. It is a life-giving interview!

This is a podcast that originates in Europe. During the interview, Olivier was in Paris; Keith was in Ireland, and I was in Bellingham, WA.

Enjoy this. Share it with others. Thank you!
